
Training as a Service

Now offering Courses and Training Labor Categories!

Cambridge Federal works with the customer and subject matter experts to provide in-person courses. To include instruction, administration, quiz/testing, analytics and quality assurance reviews.

Our hosted platform, Quiz/Survey System, and our methodology has been analyzed and approved to FBI Security Standards. Please reach out to us to see how we can find a solution for your training needs.

Cambridge Forensics (dba) currently provides two courses, Contagious Disease Training (CDT) course to train First Responders and Medical Personnel and a SmartWater training course offered in the Law Enforcement Programs and for select products.

Cambridge Federal has successfully completed multiple contracts for training and surveys. These include Training for Maryland Law Enforcement and Government Security for the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) update of their Automated Fingerprint System (AFIS). We have also completed our 6th year conducting External Quality Reviews (EQRO) for the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Heath Services where we conducted surveys to confirm accurate information on the Online Provider Directories of 9 Medicaid Care Organizations (MCOs) in the State of Maryland.


Need a Training Team?

Please contact us for more information!

If you are a Government agency and would like to view our labor categories, please visit our GSA or Maryland CATS+ page for more information. To contact a sales representative please click the button, or give us a call at 410.221.7546.

Want to know more about the courses we offer?


Contagious Disease Training (CDT) is a course to train First Responders and Medical Personnel on how to properly don and doff their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) through a tangible interactive course that demonstrates the spread of contagious diseases in real-life scenarios. This is a certifiable course and is offered in person, and soon will be offered virtually on our Online Hosted Platform as well as Virtual Reality.


Cambridge Federal is a proud partner with SmartWater Group to provide a line of unique forensically coded tagging products. Please visit our SmartTag page for more information on these products and how we can partner with you and your community!

Contact us today!

Please contact us for more information!